it's midnight and the wind
is warm, moist
howling at the sills

a few minutes ago i was standing
on a stone pier
watching as a couple of tiny bats
bounced off the surface of the sea
like pebbles
darting to and fro
grasping at tiny fish

yes i have questions and
a number of 
things to say but
nothing feels quite


when you're in the
my mother's mind is
walking out on her,
memories flocking away
survived only by those
too old to fly.

so, last sunday,
for the first time,
she did not know
who i was.

i look at my father, 
who single-handedly tended to all the old women
abandoned by our family 
(until they, inevitably, died)
and i see fear
maybe because he is, himself, very old;
maybe because he is losing his wife
before death do them part.

i am worthless for this world
but i will do what i can and,
if this is meaningful,
then i haven't been for nothing.

the real curse is sentiment
aimless, out of the place
where my heart used to be:
a lingering love,
a beautiful dream and nothing more,
handwriting on old paper.
Eu vejo aquele rio a deslizar
O tempo a atravessar meu vilarejo
E às vezes largo o afazer
Me pego em sonho a navegar

Com o nome Paciência
Vai a minha embarcação
Pendulando como o tempo
E tendo igual destinação
Pra quem anda na barcaça
Tudo, tudo passa
Só o tempo, não

Passam paisagens furta-cor
Passa e repassa o mesmo cais
Num mesmo instante eu vejo a flor
Que desabrocha e se desfaz
Essa é a tua música
É tua respiração
Mas eu tenho só teu lenço em minha mão

Olhando meu navio
O impaciente capataz
Grita da ribanceira
Que navega pra trás

No convés, eu vou sombrio
Cabeleira de rapaz
Pela água do rio que é sem fim
E é nunca mais

(Chico Buarque)