this i heard
from another captain,
as we stood on a pier
waiting out a storm:

"i've had this wrath,
nurtured to boiling perfection
which once compelled
and freed me
from the terrible circumstances
of my birth.

everything, i owe to it,
though it's also led to the ruin
of my estate,
the estrangement of my allies, and
the obliteration of my family.

i am driven to solitude, but
my anger moves me.
it saved me, and
it is what i know.

without it, there's
only a silent fog of
a blind drifting,
floating, half-asleep,
down a dark river
towards meaningless

do you understand?"

i smiled, only,
and shook my head,
as one who despises violence; but
every captain is cursed

and every curse, i suspect,
lures them to the same place.

so, yes, of course.
i understand.